Conestoga Wood customers have relied on accessing key information regarding quotations, orders, etc. via our Customer Business Portal (CBP) 24/7. An enhanced mobile-friendly CBP is now available! Several enhancements and time-saving improvements are listed below.
- View orders with all the details that make your job unique because details matter.
- Seamlessly turn quotes into orders without Customer Service support.
- A simplified process to update a line item or all products on a quote/order, and provide the associated costs to make the submitted changes without Customer Service involvement.
- Enhanced payment options utilizing eChecks and credit cards for faster payment processing which can allow immediate order release into production.
- Ability to access debit/credit memos and allow you to choose where applied, either partial or all credits to an order or orders.
- Newly added ability to view statements and payment history.
- View all shipping information including bill of lading, packing list, and skid tickets.
- Full administrator control at the customer level allows you to determine user access levels.
The design and features also include the convenient features you have grown accustomed to while using the CBP. You can continue to download literature and learn about product launches through the portal.
Conestoga’s CBP is available now! Just contact your Conestoga Sales Representative to gain immediate access to this valuable tool. We look forward to providing these resources to you and thank you for your commitment to Conestoga Wood Specialties.