It is the policy of Conestoga Wood Specialties to make products in a safe workplace, to manage natural resources wisely, and to continually improve our environmental performance. Conestoga is committed to maintaining compliance with all local, state, and federal environmental regulations. Our environmental initiatives encompass nearly every segment of our business and are vital components of our sustainable company.
“Our roots are deep . . . our Pennsylvania Dutch heritage laid a solid foundation for good stewardship in the use of our natural resources. That makes it natural for us to embrace sound environmental practices. It’s not new to us, it’s who we are!“
–Karen McCoach, Corporate Environmental Manager
Conestoga was the first associate member of the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer’s Association (KCMA) to receive Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP) certification in 2008 and has continually achieved certification each year since. This program certifies our sustainability practices and procedures related to air quality, product resource management, process resource management, community relations, and environmental stewardship.
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